Online Yoga & Human Physiology Course in Pune | Gnosis Medical Yoga
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Yoga & Human Physiology



Yoga & Human Physiology



It is so interesting to know how trillions of cells of our body work simultaneously to get life going.The group of cells form tissues, similar tissues form an organ, organs performing similar functions form a system & various systems work in harmony to fulfil the aim of Homeostasis. Homeostasis is a dynamic state of equilibrium of internal environment with the help of feedback & regulations.Samatva state of mind which is the aim of Yogic Science helps the state of Homeostasis, which is the final goal of Human Physiology.

Human Physiology

Study of Human Physiology consists of study of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrinal, nervous system with a special elaboration of striated, voluntary, skeletal muscles. This study helps the student to understand the Yogic discipline of food, sleep, external stimuli, stress response, emotions, perceptions & cognition. Student finds it easy to relate Ashtang Yoga in his/her day to day life. Student gets the brief idea about cerebral, hypothalamic, brain stem & spinal cord control of various activities. Hypothalamus & it’s control on Autonomic system & endocrinal axis is well explained.
The student gets familiarised about the medical terms & concepts to explore further.

Human Physiology


After practising the Basic sequence of Asanas, student is taught Advance group of Asanas, which are more challenging. Postures used for meditation form a part of it. Standing Postures like Trikonasan, Veerbhadrasan, Parshwakonasan, Ardhachandrasan, are ideal to learn the function of pro prioception. Setubandha, Dhanurasa, Urdhwamukhashwanasan are ideal to understand the anti gravity muscle strength.
After learning the thoracic & abdominal breathing, it is ideal to learn, antar & bahirkumbhak. After it’s practise, Anulom vilom, Ujjayi & Bhramari Pranayama are taught to students with necessary anatomical details. Once practised, Bandha & selective Mudra are taught to them.
Kapalbhati, Neti, Tratak are the shuddhikriyas taught to students to experience the cleansing effects of airways & visual pathway. Students practise Omkar meditation during Pranayama batch. Most important of all is the impact of Yogic discipline in the form of AWARENESS in day to day life for input & reaction.

Human Physiology
Salient Features

Salient Features

  • Each session of Theory & Practical
  • Duration - 40 Hours
  • On Weekdays or Weekends
  • Weekly Assessment by MCQS on covered syllabus + Seminar presentation with Practical (At completion)
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