Rope & Belt therapy is pioneered by Yogacara BKS Iyengar Guruji way back in 1970. Dr. S. V. Karandikar, an ardent disciple of Guruji further developed it. Being an expert clinician & blessed with a research mind, he applied his anatomical & physiological acumen for Musculo – skeletal disorders. It is used as an adjunct in conservative management of Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint, Lumbar & Cervical Spondylosis.

Eminent Orthopedic Surgeon, Padma Shree Dr. S. M. Hardikar Sir approves and advises it for selective cases.

The basic principles for Rope & Belt Therapy are -

  • Stretching of selective skeletal muscles.
  • Restoration of alignment of bones.
  • Correction of weight bearing axis of body.
  • Improvement of Postural awareness.
  • Passive Correction of Pelvic & Shoulder Girdles.
BKS Iyengar Guruji
BKS Iyengar Guruji
Dr. S. V. Karandikar
Dr. S. V. Karandikar

Rope & Belt Therapy has three components

  • @Home Yogic Postures
  • Ambulatory Belts – To Be used by patients in day-to-day
  • To be given by experienced Yoga therapists at Yoga Center.

Rope and Belt Therapy is a valuable application in modern Yogic Science. The classical Yogic postures form its base. The patients with history of pain & muscular spasm, are unable to perform & practice classical Yogic postures. Rope & belt Therapy is extremely useful in such cases. It is advised for one month duration to six months after which the patients’ day to day activity comes back to normal & one can practice classical Yogic postures & moderate aerobic activities.

Rope & Belt Therapy is extremely useful for highly motivated, adherent, studious, self-care type persons. In the case of senior citizens, it requires a support system at family level.

Grading of OA Knee

  • Grade 0 - No radiographic features of osteoarthritis are present.
  • Grade 1 - Doubtful joint space narrowing (JSN) and possible osteophytic lipping.
  • Grade 2 - Definite osteophytes and possible JSN on anteroposterior weight-bearing radiograph.
  • Grade 3 - Multiple osteophytes and definite JSN, sclerosis, possible bony deformity.
  • Grade 4 - Large osteophytes , marked JSN, severe sclerosis, definite deformity.