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Yoga & Modern Medicine



docter course

Yoga & Modern Medicine - 15,000 INR,   For Overseas Students - 400$
Duration - 25 Hours


  • 1. Human Anatomy.
  • 2. Human Physiology.
  • 3. What is Fitness? Exercise Physiology.
  • 4. What is Health? Yogic Physiology.
  • 5. Yoga Postures – Muscles & Joint Movements.



In addition to knowing Human Anatomy to study joints & muscles,the human physiology covers types of muscles, their energy supply, fast & slow twitch fibres, terms like strength, endurance, tone, concentric & eccentric contractions. This course elaborates about exercise physiology to explain the changes occurring in cardiovascular respiratory, endocrinol & metabolic systems of body.
Further this course explains the difference between Fitness & Health where Health is a comprehensive term. With this introduction,it gives a brief of Ashtang Yoga & Hatha Yoga. The neurological aspects In the form of sensory & motor pathways, organisation of cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord are explained. The Limbic System & it’s key role is elaborated. After understanding this organisation of nervous system, the Ashtang Yoga is co related with it.

Yoga & Modern Medicine


Students learn the effects of various Yogic Postures on muscles in the form of stretching, strengthening & consciously relaxing in Asanas & in Shavasan. They get a through idea about various joint movements occurring in Yogic Postures. Students learn Thoracic, Abdominal & Clavicular Breathing with muscles involved, namely diaphragm, intercostal muscles, pectoralis major, Serratus anterior, scaleni muscles etc.
Students practice bucket handle movement of lower ribs & pump handle movement of sternum. Students are taught the anatomy of Ujjayi & Bhramari pranayama which is practised everyday.
Students are made aware of following eight limbs of Ashtang Yoga in their day to day life with a special emphasis on Pratyahar.
“Yoga & Modern Medicine” offers an ideal comprehensive introduction for a beginner as well as a Yoga Professional & a doctor too.

Yoga & Modern Medicine
Time table of MYT Course Yoga & Modern Medicine (Theory)
Day Topic Name of Faculty
Day-1 Axial Skeletol Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-2 Peripheral Skeleton Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-3 Shoulder and Pelvic Girdle Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-4 Muscles- Introduction and Individual Muscles Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-5 Individual Muscles Complete Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-6 Muscles Complete Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-7 Human Physiology 1,2 Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-8 Human Physiology 3,4,5 Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-9 Efffects of Training and Exercise Prescription Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-10 Yogic Physiology Started Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-11 Yogic Physiology Continued Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-12 Yogic Physiology Completed Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-13 Charts Started Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-14 Charts Completed Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-15 Practical -2 hours Yogaphysician/Doctors
Time table of MYT Course Yoga & Modern Medicine (Practical)
Day Topic Name of Faculty
Day-1 Basic Sequence Yoga Therapist
Day-2 Basic Sequence Completed Yoga Therapist
Day-3 Anatomy major Joints of Body Yoga Therapist
Day-4 Anatomy major Muscles of Body Yoga Therapist
Day-5 Pranayam Batch -Types of Breathing Yoga Therapist
Day-6 Advance Sequence Yoga Therapist
Day-7 Advance Sequence Complete Yoga Therapist
Day-8 Physiology of Muscles (page 36,37) Yoga Therapist
Day-9 Physiology of Muscles (page 11,12,13,14) Yoga Therapist
Day-10 Pranayam Batch -Suryabhedan, Chandrabhedan,Anulom Vilom Yoga Therapist
Day-11 Basic Sequence - Revision by Students Yoga Therapist
Day-12 Basic Sequence- Revision by Students Yoga Therapist
Day-13 Advance Sequence - Revision by Students Yoga Therapist
Day-14 Advance Sequence - Revision by Students + 3 Patanjal Sutras for Asan Yoga Therapist
Day-15 Pranayam Batch - Ujjayi+Bhramari+ 5 Patanjal Sutras for Pranayam Yoga Therapist


Salient Features

Salient Features

  • Each Day Two Hours
  • Each session of Theory & Practical
  • Number of Days - 12
  • Weekly Assessment by MCQS on covered syllabus + Seminar presentation with Practical (At completion)
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