Online Yoga For Female Health Course in Pune | Gnosis Medical Yoga
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Yoga For Female Health



docter course

Yoga For Female Health - 15,000 INR,   For Overseas Students - 400$
Duration - 25 Hours


  • 1. Anatomy of Genital Tract.
  • 2. Physiology of Menstrual Cycle.
  • 3. Hormones of Female Life.
  • 4. Physiology of Pregnancy.
  • 5. Physiology of Menopause.
  • 6. Indications for MYT.



Anatomy of Genital Tract gives a brief of vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes & ovaries. It details about supports of uterus. Study of Physiology begins with onset of puberty, menarche, hypothalamo - pituitary- ovarian axis, menstual cycle, effects of esterogen & progesterone, menopause & ends at post menopausal status.
A special coverage is present for Physiology of pregnancy, placental functions, prenatal records,precautions for prenatal Yogic care with aims.
A detailed explanation of Patho Physiology, clinical- ultrasound- biochemical diagnosis of PCOD is elaborated to them with a Yogic management approach. This involves disciplined diet, exercise, Yogic Postures, pranayama, meditation, relaxation techniques & sufficient sleep. They are motivated for reduction in weight, if their BMI is high. A special mention of infertility, when all possible causes are ruled out, Yogic approach may help to have a baby. Physiology of menopause gives students, the idea of effects of lack of esterogen on Female body functions. This gives them an eyesight for offering Yogic care for postmenopausal phase of Female life.This involves strengthening of pelvic floor muscles, muscles of spine, knee & core. It also guides them to manage their obesity, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Spondylosis & Osteoarthritis of Knee.

Yoga for Female Health


The spectrum of practical covers perimenarchal care, where the girls are complaining of dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, polymenorrhea or late & scanty menstrual cycles. They need assurance & practise basic Yogic posture sequence. Reproductive age is benefited for enhancing fertility & prenatal care by Yogic way.
A special programme is designed for first/second/third trimester of pregnancy. Students are trained for precautions & care to conduct this programme. An emphasis on training for thoracic breathing is very useful for pregnant ladies.
Peri & post menopausal care programme is taught to students which takes care of psychological, skeletal, physiological functions of body. Yoga schedule keeps them enthusiastic, dynamic & energetic.

Yoga for Female Health
Time table of MYT Course(YFFH) (Theory)
Day Topic Name of Faculty
Day-1 Anatomy Started Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-2 Anatomy Complete Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-3 Physiology of Menstrual Cycle Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-4 Physiology of Menstrual Cycle Complete Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-5 Hormones of Female Life & HPO Axis Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-6 Physiology of Pregnancy Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -7 Hormones of Female Life & HPO Axis Complete Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-8 Physiology of Pregnancy Complete Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -9 Antinental Progamme Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day-10 Antinental Progamme Complete + Postnetal Care Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -11 Menopause Physiology Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -12 Practical - Perimenarchal complaint+ Yoga and Womanhood Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -13 Yoga and PCOD Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -14 Yoga and Infertility Yogaphysician/Doctors
Day -15 Yoga and Postmenopausal Care Yogaphysician/Doctors
Time table of MYT Course- Yoga For Female Health (Practical)
Day Topic Name of Faculty
Day-1 Basic Sequence Yoga Therapist
Day-2 Basic Sequence Complete + Breathing Education Yoga Therapist
Day-3 Perimenarchal Complaints Yoga Therapist
Day-4 Perimenarchal Complaints Complete (Areobic Sequence) Yoga Therapist
Day-5 Pranayam Batch with Ujjiayi Pranayam Yoga Therapist
Day-6 Anenatal Yogic Care Yoga Therapist
Day-7 Anenatal Yogic Care Complete Yoga Therapist
Day-8 Postnetal Care (Abdominal Toning) Yoga Therapist
Day-9 PCOD and Yoga (Areobic Yoga Sequece) Yoga Therapist
Day-10 Pranayam Batch with Bhramari Pranayam Yoga Therapist
Day-11 PCOD and Yoga (Abdominal Toning) Yoga Therapist
Day-12 Yoga to Enhance Fertility Yoga Therapist
Day-13 Postmenopausal Care Yoga Therapist
Day-14 Postmenopausal Care Complete Yoga Therapist
Day-15 Pranayam Batch with Anulom Vilom Yoga Therapist


Salient Features

Salient Features

  • Each Day Two Hours
  • Each session of Theory & Practical
  • Number of Days - 12
  • Weekly Assessment by MCQS on covered syllabus + Seminar presentation with Practical (At completion)
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